August 23, 2013

Welcoming The Fall blog hop giveaway sign-up!

It's that time of year again! I love the fall and every year I welcome it with open arms. There is nothing more beautiful then the trees changing colors, the nice breeze that comes through your window with that fresh smell of nature. Love it!

So let's welcome the fall with a week long epic blog hop giveaway! This event kicks off September 23rd - 27th.

Here are the rules:


  • Your giveaway must be book related. You can giveaway anything from books, gift cards to a bookstore, bookmarks, etc. 
  • When adding your blog to the SimplyLinked list, you must specify if your giveaway is US ONLY or INTERNATIONAL. i.e. Good Choice Reading (US) or Good Choice Reading (INT).
  • Your giveaway post must be up on September 23rd no later than 12 noon or else you will be removed from the linked list. 
  • Your giveaway cannot run longer than 12 AM on September 27th. 
  • If your giveaway is for audiences 18 and over, you must add this to the SimplyLinked list. If you are giving away a gift card just add (GC) to your link title. i.e. Good Choice Reading (18+) (US) or Good Choice Reading (18+) (INT).  
  • Must use the banner on top in your post.
  • Must have a blog/website in order to participate. 
  • Authors and Publishers are welcome to join in on the fun. 

Well, that's it! :) 

If you have any questions you can leave a comment below or e-mail me @ Damaris@goodchoicereading dot com.


  1. Replies
    1. Me too! It tells me it's almost boots and hoodie season!!! LOL!

  2. I am so sorry, I completely forgot to add the US the first time. I went ahead and submitted another entry. It has been one of those days :)

    I am very excited about the hop!

  3. Thanks for the opportunity. Whoops, US only.

  4. Are you going to post the Linky link so we can add it the blogs of all the hoppers?

    1. Yes. :) An e-mail will go out a night or two before the hop with all the information.

  5. I love this! So happy to participate :)

  6. I have tried signing up but it keeps bringing me back to the sign-up page. How do I sign up?
    Rockin' Book Reviews
    Lu Ann


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