October 02, 2013

#HarlequinTeenPreview Recap & Giveaway!

Last night was amazing!

I cannot thank HarlequinTeen enough for inviting me to such a wonderful event, and giving me the chance to meet and mingle with two of my favorite authors.

There was wine, cheese, these really good little tortilla chips with guacamole and shrimp on it, steak on a stick, and a lot of other yummy food. Why is it I always get distracted by food? LOL!

Anyway, I also got to meet a lot of editors and publishers that I hadn't met before, as well as some new bloggers and readers. It was really nice seeing some familiar faces, too.

The event was a HUGE success and I am so happy I was there, and got the chance to hear Julie Kagawa's big news before the rest of the world. Yes. I feel super special. Leave me on my high horse! LOL!

Here is a nice recap of last night via photos, as well as three videos. One is Jennifer L. Armentrout telling us a little bit about WHITE HOT KISS, and what we can expect from the series. The other is of Julie Kagawa revealing her big news about TALON. She also goes into detail about what the series is about.

You don't want to miss it!

And of course we have a nice giveaway at the end. :)

Julie Kagawa's big reveal!  

Jennifer L. Armentrout's new series The Dark Elements! WHITE HOT KISS is book one and will be released February 25th, 2014! There is a pre-novella being released on December 1st, Bitter Sweet Love.

Do you see this view? It was breath taking! I am a New Yorker at heart, but never seen it from this point of view. Love NYC! 

Julie Kagawa's new series and book one is called TALON! And it's about DRAGONS! 

Julie made these!!!

Jennifer L. Armentrout talks about WHITE HOT KISS...
(Video was shot with iPhone so I hope the sound isn't too bad)

Julie Kagawa talks a little about THE IRON TRAITOR. 

Julie Kagawa does her big reveal!

There will be two winners! Enter via Rafflecopter!
  • This giveaway is OPEN TO US ONLY.
  • If you are outside the US and are willing to cover your own shipping cost then feel free to enter. :)
  • Must be 13 or older to enter. 
  • Giveaway ends October 18th

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Sometimes I want to pick up & move to Ny just for the book events!! I have all of these on my TBr already! Fingers crossed for this giveaway but I would fall out if I actually won it lol

  2. Wow - those views were spectacular! What an amazing event. Thanks for sharing it with us! :)

  3. That looks like so much fun!! I seriously cannot wait for Julie's new series! I mean, DRAGONS!!! lol Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. I am so jealous that you got to attend this event!

  5. What awesome views! Looks like a really good time!

  6. WOW! WOW! WOW! This looks like so much fun! I would have been in heaven and am keeping my fingers crossed for this!

  7. That's it! I'm moving. So many awesome bloggers get to meet awesome authors. Hopefully I can go to BEA next year *crosses everything*

  8. Wow that is awesome that you and Meredith got to go to this special event! Those views looks so beautiful and I cannot wait to read those books when they come out!!! Thanks for the giveaway :0)

  9. This event sounded amazing. I'm a huge fan of both Julie Kagawa and Jennifer L. Armentrout. I'm excited for both of their new series! Thanks for the great opportunity! :)

  10. Wow awesome post! Thanks for sharing it with us. I am so excited for HQN Teen's new books!!! Great giveaway too!!! :)

  11. Talon sounds fantastic. I didn't quite get it when I was trying to decide what it was about via Julie's clues. Thank you for the huge giveaway.

  12. Wow, I wish Florida was closer to NYC! It sounds like it was an awesome event and I can't wait to read every single one of those books!!!

  13. Really wish I could've attended this event! So awesome!

  14. That is awesome! Wish I could have been there!
    Thanks for the great giveaway.

  15. What an awesome event!!! I love the new series Julie is writing. I love Dragons and can't wait to read it. It looked like you had a great time.

  16. I saw you posting on Facebook last night. Looks like a ton of fun. Wish I could have been there for sure! I need to get myself invited to this stuff! LOL! And Julie's new book??? *SWOONS* I can't wait! I'm glad you got to mingle, AND EAT! LOL!

  17. I love those Dragons!! I love dragons period but those are adorable!! Thank you for the giveaway.

  18. this sounds like it was an awesome event!!! Thanks so much for sharing :)

  19. NYC... ahh it's gorgeous! The event sounds like it was amazing- you're so lucky! And omg Julie Kagawa's new book is about dragons! I haven't read enough dragon books so I'm looking forward to it! :)

    -P.E. @ The Sirenic Codex

  20. omg what a COOL event! I'm envious! Thanks for the giveaway....but omg I wish I were at that event!

  21. What a fun event to attend! Dragons -can't wait :)

  22. I'm so stinking excited for Talon. I love dragons, and while I'm skeptical about dragon shifters, I know Julie Kagawa can pull it off.

  23. You are so lucky! I wish I could have been there, I would love to review these!

  24. Looks like you guys had a ball lots of fun.

  25. I'm so jealous! I've only been to one book signing and I had to take a long drive to get there. One day authors will come to my area, one day. I hope you had an amazing time though, and thank you!

  26. Such a fun looking event! You are super lucky! Glad you had fun! Thanks for the giveaway!

  27. That looks like so much fun!! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!!! :)

  28. It looks like a fun event! I can't wait to read the books featured and the new series Talon by Julie Kagawa sound's like it will be epic:)

  29. Jealous!!!! Dee, I am so happy that you got to experience such an amazing event. This is an AMAZING giveaway, thank you! Fingers and toes crossed cause I REALLY REALLY REALLY want those books!!!! <3 <3

  30. That looks like it was so much fun! Wish I could go to these things.

  31. Lovely event! Those are some awesome looking books! :D

  32. THank you for your giveaway. Your event looked like so much fun.

  33. Love the picture from the event. I am glad you had fun! Thanks for the giveaway.

  34. Can't wait for Julie Kagawa's new book! Love dragons and I bet this book will be awesome!


  35. WOW, This is an AWESOME Giveaway! I wish I would of been invited to attend, it looks like lots of fun! Thanks for this EPIC Giveaway, ALL the books I'm just DYING to read! :)

  36. Woah girl. And I mean WOAH. You, my dear, have just added another thing to my bucket list...I have GOT to go to one of these thingys....MUST ;D Glad you had such an amazing time (: Thanks for the amazing giveaway!! I can't wait to read Crash Into You & Pawn <3
    Happy reading

  37. This looks like soo much fun! Thanks for the giveaway!

  38. Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

  39. WOW!!!! That is an EPIC giveaway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

  40. O wow I bet this was super fun! I can't believe someone MADE those cool dragons! wow! Thank you!

  41. This looks like it was so fun! I wish I could go to author events, but they never come near where I live. I'm really excited about Talons and Pawn - along with all the others!! Thanks for the amazing giveaway! :)

  42. Man, you really do go everywhere. :o I would love to be you! Thanks for the giveaway!

  43. Julie revealed her new series OMG and it's about dragon. I can't wait to read it >.<

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  44. Julie revealed her new series and it's about dragon. OMG I can't wait to read it >.<

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  45. How fun!!! I can't wait for Talon! Love Julie, and her books :)

  46. I can't believe how stunning the view was. I've never made it to NYC yet, but soon. Very soon. I'm most excited about seeing everything that seems so different. I'm stoked that you were able to spend the evening with some of the grooviest people. That's always golden.

    Yay for youuuu! xx


  47. Looks like so much fun. Awesome giveaway!

  48. That looks like it was an amazing event! And that view! Lucky gal. :)
    Thank you for this incredible giveaway. x

  49. Well you know how I feel about Crash Into You.!!!!!!

  50. That had to have been so much fun. I wish I could go to something like that. I love it. Thanks for the giveaway.

  51. Eeeeep!! Sounds like it was a super fun event!! :D

  52. What a great event! Thanks for sharing and for the great giveaway:)

  53. That looked like so much fun! I am super excited about Talon. I love dragons! And I don't think there is enough books about this mythical creature. I am so excited!

  54. That looks like that was a blast. Very envious! I'm really existed for Crash Into You and White Hot Kiss.

  55. One of these days I have to go to an event like this..........jealous!

  56. I would have loved to be able to go to that! That must have been an awesome expierence. :) Thanks for sharing!

  57. What an amazing experience! That's what my dream of NYC is....a bunch of amazing, talented writers having a cocktail party of awesome in a high rise, and some handmade baby dragon sculptures. :)

  58. Wow!! That looks like such an amazing time, I'm a bit green with envy over here! And that view is totally to die for! Thanks for the awesome giveaway. I'm a bit new to your site, but I can't wait to see whats inside :)

  59. Wow, that looks so fun! Seriously, those are some great shots of the city, you are so lucky! And very generous, thanks for the giveaway :D


  60. Omg this looks so awesome!! So jealous about this event! I can't wait for White Hot Kiss too!

  61. Look like you had a blast! I never been to NY but I want to

  62. Wow, what an amazing event! I'm just a little jealous ;D
    But I'm so excited about all of these books! I loved the Iron Fey series, but I wasn't a fan of The Immortal Rules, so I'm hopeful that a series about dragons will be more fitting to Julie Kagawa's style for me :)

  63. Thank you for this giveaway!

  64. Thanks so much for the giveaway! This event looked really fun :-)

  65. Seems like a fun event! Wish I lived in NYC sometimes. Thanks for the giveaway.

  66. seems like a fun event - oh to live among the bork world of NYC!

  67. Thanks for this! I want to read all those ARCs! WOOT!

  68. I just live through these events from y'all awesome bloggers and I can't thank you enough!

  69. I hate that I miss all the fun book events. We need more fun events in NC.

  70. That looks fun! I wish I could have attended. ;D

  71. Seems like you guys had a blast. Soo jealous. Thanks for the giveaway!!!

  72. Nibbles, views and books! This post has it all, plus an amazing giveaway!
    Thank you for sharing. And good luck to all

  73. Wish that I could go to events like these!

  74. Some days I wish I can just live in New York just for these book events.

  75. Almost every day I wish I could just move to New York just to attend these amazing books events. Thanks for the giveaway!

  76. This event sounds like it was amazing!!! So very jealous ; ) But wow, we get a chance to win; too cool! I'm in love with all the dragon books that are coming out now. I love dragons and I think Talons will be fantastic!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  77. I'm so jealous you went to this event & you live in NY!! Thanks for this giveaway

  78. I live vicariously through you book bloggers and all the FANTASTIC events you attend from the thorough and fun recaps you leave for the rest of us to enjoy--so THANK YOU for that, AND for the giveaway!

  79. Awesome! Sounds like you got to hear *all* the exciting news!

  80. This event looks like it was so awesome and it sounds like you had a wonderful time, too! :D Thanks for recapping it for us and for the amazing giveaway! :D

  81. HarlequinTeen really cares about their readers and does a great job promoting their books. Looks like a lot of fun was had by all + exciting new books!

  82. Wow, I'm so jealous you got to go to this. This is fantastic and I would be drooling :-) And terrific giveaway :-)


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