January 15, 2012

Twilight Franchise Expanding??

Are you sad that the Twilight Saga will soon be over? Depressed that the final movie will be the last time you'll ever see Edward, Bella and Jake? Well, Good News! There's a little bit of hope left just for you!

The studio responsible for the Twilight movies, Lions Gate Entertainment, wants to keep the franchise rolling along.

The Los Angeles Times reported that CEO of Lions Gate Entertainment, Jon Feltheimer, who recently lead the purchase of Twilight film studio Summit Entertainment, said he is VERY interested in making follow-up films.

“It’s hard for me to imagine a movie that does $700 million-plus doesn’t have ongoing value,” he said. “It’s an amazing franchise that they have done a great job of maintaining with absolutely no deterioration. So the simple answer is ‘Boy I hope so.’”

When asked if Twilight could become a TV series as well, Jon simply said, “I would certainly hope so.”

What do you think - would continuing the story be Twilight overkill? Or are you majorly excited for some new stories??


  1. Overkill. I'm don't with the movies and even the books, they are still enjoyable, but let them be.

    1. I agree Kristina! Let it go already!

      I am so over Twilight.

  2. hmmm, as much as I would love to hear more, I'm thinking that it wouldn't do as well as movies. A TV series is probably more realistic, but I cannot imagine who would play the roles!
    End note, just give me Midnight Sun and I'll be super happy forever :) TFS! ~ margie

  3. If there are no more books, which I'm hoping they're not (b/c the book series is over) then let it go. I mean all they care about is not making anymore money off. BD Part 2 ended fine for the series, so again, just let it go.

  4. Overkill. they're just trying to make money but it's really nothing behind it. i hated the movies and the books were cool, but no please don't drag this on. move on to the next big thing plz

  5. You know, the more I think about it... What the heck would they do? I mean the story ended. Show us life after?

    Maybe a series about Jacob and Renesme might be interesting, but seriously... I am almost positive it won't be the same actors. That makes it pointless.

    Let it go! lol

    1. I for one wouldn't want the same actors, maybe a select few of the side actors. But Stewart and Pattinson are terrible actors and killed the movies for me.

      The only thing I want from this series is Remesme and Jacob's story, but ONLY in book form NOT in movie or Tv form at all.

  6. Im over the Twilight movies and would probably not see the Twilight TV show. The books are another matter. I loved the stories and how I imagined the characters in my head. Wouldn't mind reading more some day but I would love to see The Host movie become a reality. I love that book and have been waiting for the sequel FOREVER! I kind of given up hope =(

    1. Oh I agree! I want the sequel to the Host and I wouldn't mind a movie as long as the same movie company and producers don't do the movie.

    2. I am dying to see The Host on the big screen! That is one book I think deserved to be a movie. It was great!

  7. I'm so over it. Five movies is already too much! Let it go!

    On the other hand, if they made it into a tv show and found a way to actually take it somewhere, I'm all for different actors and actresses. The horrible acting is most of what ruined the whole thing for me anyway.

  8. As much as I love Twilight, I would hate to see them completely ruin it with a TV show or more movies. Let it end. There's money to be had elsewhere, so just let this one go.

  9. I agree with many of you! I love Twilight, but I think more movies, and probably even the TV show would just be too much. That being said, I would love to read more books! Maybe even just one more, telling how things progressed after BD left off, and of course, Jake and Renesmee! I am also practically begging for Midnight Sun!!

  10. NOOO!!!! I think that is... well let me just say I love Twilight, I adore the series, and I was a huge part of the fandom when the series was first released. Having said that, I think it would do more damage by building on this fandom than good. Is it wrong if I said it's run it's course?. It's been an exciting run but I think it needs to be done after the release of BD 2

  11. I love Twilight but I just can't see any additional movies or a TV series being as successful as the original movies if they don't have the original cast and I can probably confidently say that they would not be able to get the original cast. It would take some serious exception for that to happen. So I don't think additional movies or a series would work.


  12. They need to leave it alone!
    There are already plans for The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner! That would be enjoyable.

    If they want to continue marketing Stephanie Meyer, they can do so with Midnight Sun or The Host. There are a lot of other books that are popular. All it would take is to option them as movies. Please please move on!


  13. Oh my. I am so sad to hear this. For as much as I loved the books (and I really, really did), I have not been a fan of the Twilight movies. And to make more would just be extreme overkill. I really hope they decide not to do that.

  14. I could never accept another actors cast as Bella, Edward or Jacob, but if the new movies focused on other characters within the Twilight universe, I'd be interested. Maybe they'll make the Bree Tanner story into a movie?

  15. Oh goodness. I do enjoy Twilight, but I have a feeling that if the plans go through it will be a pretty big flop. This sounds like overkill to me.

  16. I think it would be interesting to have a TV version. You could go deeping into the characters lives and the story.


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