September 13, 2011

BBAW 2011: Interview w/ Sophia @ Fiction Vixen

First, tell us a little about yourself and your blog.
Well, first, I just want to say I’m excited to be visiting Good Choice Reading today! Thank you for being my interview partner for BBAW. 

My name is Sophia but I am probably better known in the romance book blogging community as my alter ego, Fiction Vixen. I am the founder of Fiction Vixen Book Reviews and I’ve been blogging about books since 2009. Fiction Vixen has grown over the past two years and now I blog with my friends, Catherine, Amy, Samantha and Juliana about books in the romance genre. I’m a wife, mom, coffee addict, Kindle lover and a firm believer in happily ever after. 

1. Best thing about blogging and the worse?
The best thing about blogging is being able to blog with my friends and talking about the books we love to read. I know there are lots of social networks where readers can come together and talk about books, and believe me I’m utilizing them, but it’s nice to have my own little space on the web to share my thoughts.
The worst thing about blogging for me is me. I’m my own worst enemy sometimes. I occasionally overcommit myself and get a little stressy but really, blogging is what you make of it and I pretty much love every minute I spend blogging.

2. Tell us about the most challenging moment you've experienced as a book blogger?
My friend Mandi from Smexy Books and I have done some fun skits in celebration of a couple of Black Dagger Brotherhood (J.R. Ward) releases. These are really fun skits, and they are very silly but the planning and pre-post jitters are killer. I had minor panic attacks wondering will people laugh, will they think we’re crazy…stuff like that. It’s one of the most fun things I’ve done on my blog so far but also a little nerve-wrecking.

3. What do you do when you are reading a book but find that you just can't get into the story? 
There was a time I would stick with a book no matter what. But I read a lot of books these days and I now find it easier to throw in the towel and move on. I do keep a shelf at GoodReads called DNF-Maybe-Later though. I put books there that I think I might like to try again later. Those are usually books that have gotten high ratings from friends that I usually agree with on books. Sometimes I’m just not in the mood. Some books however get put aside forever and I’m ok with that.

4. What are your thoughts on writing negative reviews on your blog?
I have no problem writing an unfavorable review. The whole point of blogging about books is to read them and talk about them and I’m certainly not going to adore every book I read. It’s not always easy and I’d much rather post a favorable review, but if I don’t like it and I want to share my thoughts on the book I will. 

5. When you first started blogging, what did you think it would be like and is it like the way you pictured?
I really like this question. When I started Fiction Vixen I had no idea what direction I wanted to go with it. I just wanted to talk about the books I was reading. I had a long list of favorite blogs I visited regularly and I liked being part of a community of like-minded bloggers. I’m still talking about books, but now I’m blogging with my friends and we’re a very busy blog, posting at least two reviews a day along with several regular features such as news, recommendations, round-ups, interviews, giveaways etc. 

Thank you for having me here today, it was fun!

Thank you Sophia for stopping by! I love all your answers! 

You can find Sophia:


  1. I heart FV :) I absolutely love those BDB skits you and Mandi do so please, don't stop!

  2. LOL thanks BV!! xoxo

    Thanks for having me here Damarius. :)


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