May 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Wanda!!!

Let's all wish Wanda a very Happy Birthday! Though, I am sure she is having a blast since she went to Puerto Rico for her birthday!! She didn't take me with her, but I still wish her the best time! :-p LOL 

Happy Birthday Wanda! 

Going to miss you the next couple of days!! LOL <3 Get a nice color!!! :-)


  1. Happy Birthday! May there be tons of books in your future!

  2. Oh wow Midnyte! Now THAT is a fantastic gift! I actually got 7 autographed books from Kristi Cook for my birthday! How cool am I?! LOL

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Wanda!!! :D Hope you're having a blast in Puerto Rico!

  4. Happy Birthday! I wish you have tons of presents and a big and delicious chocolate cake! YAYYYY!

    1. Wow. I didn't see this. Thank you so much! I did get tons of presents and chocolate cake. How you knew? LOL


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