March 08, 2011

Teaser Tuesday!

Teaser Tuesday" is a weekly meme hosted

by: Mizb of Should Be Reading.

Anyone can do it, here's how:

1. Grab your current read  

2. Open to a random page  

3. Share two (2) "teaser" sentences/paragraphs from somewhere on that page.  

4. Share the title and the author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR lists if they like your teasers.

Be careful not to include SPOILERS! (Make sure that what you share doesn't give too much away, you don't want to ruin the book for others.)

Icebreaker by Dierdre Martin
Pg. 56
Oliver rolled his eyes as if he'd heard it a hundred times before. "What's next on the agenda?'
"I'm going to a Blades game with my brother. That will definitely make Adam happy."
"Plus you'll get to see him being all manly on the ice."

Reunion by Jeff Bennington
Pg. 132

"Something tells me that I"m not the only one who could use a little loose-end-therapy. I mean, I don't know how all of you feel about it, but I've got some ghosts in my closet that I need to let out. You know what I mean?"

Wither by Lauren Destefano

I'm dressed in a fitted red dress that matches the color of my lips, with black lace around the collar and capped sleeves. The dress only falls to about mid-thigh, and Deirdre tugs at the material to be sure it drapes properly. While she's doing this, I step into yet another pair of ridiculous heels, and stare at myself in the mirror. Every curve of my body protrudes through the velvet material--my breasts, hipbones, even the ghost of ribs. "It's a symbol that you're no longer a child," she explains. "That you're ready for your husband to come to you at any time."


  1. I've never heard of Icebreaker or Reunion - but from the teasers it seems like I'd enjoy them...maybe. Although I've heard great/amazing/awesome things about Wither.

    here's my teaser:

  2. I really want to read Wither, thanks for the teasers.

    My TT


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