September 14, 2010

BBAW 2010: Blogger Interviews

*Dee Here**

This week is Book Blogger Appreciation Week and this is our first time ever doing this here on Good Choice Reading. To be completely honest, we're not even sure exactly what we should be doing LOL, but from seeing a couple of my favorite bloggers post today, I am assuming that today is BLOGGER INTERVIEW. Where we get the chance to swap interviews with other book bloggers.

So today I decided to go with two book blogs that I am constantly visiting and reading their reviews & news. I think they are both great blogs and find them very helpful. The first blog is Fantastic Book Review. Tina from Fantastic Book Review took the time to answer some questions for us. Enjoy!

Fantastic Book Review

1. What is the best part about blogging?
What I love about blogging is being able to share great books with readers. As a reviewer, I have the platform to get the word out about some amazing books that readers would probably not think twice about picking up. Another thing that I love about blogging is being able to meet other avid readers where you can get together and discuss books or just make friends.

2. How do you know when a book is a MUST READ?

For me it's a combination of things. First I read the synopsis and if it appeals to me, I search to see if there is an excerpt out on the book. If the book can pull me within the 1st chapter, then that's all I need to move forward. If I can go through a whole range of emotions while reading a book, then it's a must read. Every book that I've read that meet this criteria has received high marks from me. It's also good if the book offers something different that you don't typically see in other books in its genre.

3. What is your favorite genre to read?

Fantasy/paranormal. In this genre anything is possible. This is where my heart is. I read for escapism. Period. When I read a book, I don't want to feel like I'm reading. I want to be able to escape into the writer's world as if I'm the character(s). This genre does that for me.

4. What makes a book bad in your eyes?

Well it depends on certain things. First, the writing has to be on par. If I read a book and find myself going wait hold on a second, then that takes away from the reading experience. Another thing is character development. In YA today, I'm seeing a lot of books that are using the same formula. Hot paranormal guy + new girl + lock eyes = instant love. I need to know the characters and feel what they are going through. I need these relationships to develop and see the characters evolve. I also want to know what makes these characters tick, why they are the way they are. I think authors should really think about doing character profiles on their characters, maybe this would help give the characters more depth.

5. If you were deserted on an island, what three books are a must have?

Ha! This is not a hard one for me at all. First let me explain how I read. First and foremost I love YA books. As a book reviewer, I read a lot of books and there are times where I get in a mood for something else because I can't pick up another book until I scratch that itch. My itch is the Fever Series by Karen Marie Moning. This series is not YA. I've read this series 5 times so that says it all. I could never get tired of these books. With there being 5 books in this series, I'd have a hard time choosing. Now if I had to pick 3 other books, it would be hard: I would have to be able to read the books over and over again. Hmm...I'd go with If I Stay by Gayle Forman - This book is amazing, although if I was stranded, wouldn't I want something cheerful to keep my spirits up? lol. I'd have to mix it in with a classic like Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen (Hello Mr. Darcy!) & a contemporary novel like On the Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta (This book was so touching). Just so you'd know, the books that I've chosen as a must have all touch on question 2.

Thanks so much for having me Dee, I enjoyed  answering your questions

Check out Tina's Blog @ Fantastic Book Review

Now, here is another blog I want to introduce to everyone and that is Skyla11377. I find her blog to be very informative and love reading her reviews. She always has great contest posted up and keeps me updated with all my favorite books. Skyla also agreed to do a small interview for our blog. I asked her the same questions because I thought they were pretty good LOL. 

Here are her answers:

1. How do you know when a book is a MUST READ?
A book is a MUST READ for me if upon reading the back of the book I feel the burning need to know more about it. If it makes me skim it's pages hungry for more. Although I don't use reviews to determine if I will read a book or not I do like to read them to get other people's opinion on a book I feel I must have. If only just to reaffirm my need to have it craving.
2. What is the best part about blogging?
The best part of blogging, for me, is getting to know my fellow bloggers. I mean I love being able to share my thoughts on books with my readers but without the support of friends and the blogging community it is hard to stay afloat in the sea of all the other blogs that are out there. I have met some really nice bloggers via their blogs and Twitter and have gotten some really great advice which has come in handy more times than I can tell you.
3. What is your favorite genre?
Hands down it would be Paranormal. I have had an obsession with Vampires ever since I was a little kid that I NEVER grew out of. Then when The Twilight Saga By Stephanie Meyer came out it reawakened my passion for Vampires. I will say this though I do enjoy all kinds of genre's but Paranormal is my all time favorite. Those who know me know I have a very wide range of reading
4. What makes a book bad in your eyes?
I hate to be negative about anyone's book but I will say I read a book recently that I had to give an unfavorable review to because the story seems like it was on fast forward if that makes any sense. I searched all over the web for other reviews on this book to see if maybe it was a short story and out of all the reviews I say only one classified it as a short story. That book had so much potential but it was over to quickly to be anything more substantial. I still feel bad about giving it a bad review because I may not have liked it as is but that doesn't mean that someone else might not enjoy it. But I will say this there has been only one book in my entire life that I have not been able to finish and that was The Dead Zone By Stephen King. I started reading it as a teenager and I just couldn't read it. People that know me know that once I start something I have to finish it but that book I just can not. As much as I love Stephen King that book was just a really BAD book in my opinion.
5. If you were deserted on an island, what three books are a must have? 
That is such a great question and hard to answer all at the same time because there are just so many great books out there. 1) First I would have to have my Pride And Prejudice By Jane Austen because the story is so brilliantly written and for me it just sucked me in. Not to mention Lizzy and Mr. Darcy are two amazingly complex characters. 2) My leather bound edition of my Complete Works Of William Shakespeare he was such a phenomenal playwright. I would never be able to choose just one play of his. 3) My third book would have to be Kiss Of Midnight By Lara Adrian. This book was the beginning of her Midnight Breed Series and also my favorite of the whole series so far. Lucan and Beth's story just grabbed at my heart strings and would not let go.
Stop by Skyla's blog and check it out @

Thank you Tina and Skyla for taking the time to do our short interview :0) Love your blogs! 

1 comment:

  1. Great interviews! Love those book choices for a desert island - Pride & Prejudice FTW! :) I also loved Jellicoe Road & and you can't go wrong with Shakespeare. :)


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