May 24, 2018

Book Blast w/ Giveaway: BOOK OF WATCHERS by Mary Ting!

Book of Watchers by Mary Ting
Genre: New Adult, Fantasy
Publication: March 26th, 2018

Before the Bible, there was Book of Watchers

Enoch wants to live an ordinary life. He's content to lie low, skip his college classes, and avoid committing to any one girl. But ordinary isn't on the syllabus for Enoch because at night, he dreams of demons. Vivid dreams that leave him wanting escape more than ever. When they escape his dreams and attack him during daylight, his reality becomes a nightmare.

As he pieces together the meaning behind the encounters, supernatural creatures emerge. Demons. Vampires. Witches. Angels. And they all want something from him. In a supernatural world he never thought possible, Enoch uncovers a secret that either will destroy him or force him to become much more than he ever wanted.

Book of Watchers will be on sale for 99¢ May 24th - May27th!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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