January 15, 2016

Author Interview: The Girlfriend Request by Jodie Andrefski! (GIVEAWAY)

The Girlfriend Request by Jodie Andrefski
Genre: YA Contemporary Romance / Romantic Comedy
Publication: January 11th, 2016

Updating best friend to girlfriend is more than a change of status…

Emma has been best friends with Eli since she moved to his neighborhood ten years ago. Tired of being cast in the role of the girl next door, Emma creates a fake Facebook profile in the hopes of starting an online friendship with Eli, which would hopefully lead to more. Like...way more. From friend request to In a Relationship--it all seemed so completely logical when she'd planned it.

Eli can't figure out what Emma is up to. He’s pretty sure she's the one behind the Facebook profile, but then again, why would she do something so drastic instead of just admitting she wants to be more than friends? And who the heck is this new guy he saw her with? Eli starts to think that just maybe...he missed his chance with the girl next door.
Two best friends, one outlandish ruse. Their status is about to become way more than It’s Complicated…

This Entangled Teen Crush book contains one fake Facebook profile, two best friends who secretly crave each other, and a dreaded sex talk with parents…boy crush in the room included. Pushing a relationship beyond the friend zone has never been so crazy… 

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About the Author

Jodie Andrefski has been passionate about reading ever since she was a little girl, when she used to climb trees to escape with a favorite book. She now lives and writes in a small town in Pennsylvania with her teenage daughter. Though still an avid reader, she now prefers a comfy chair over the crook of a tree. An unapologetic coffee fiend, she's even happier if her java comes with pie. Jodie often draws on her background in education and mental health counseling to bring real world experience to her writing. She is a firm believer in the magic of a first kiss, and insists that you should never, ever give up on your dreams. 

Interview with Jodie

1.      Tell us a little about yourself and your latest/upcoming release.
A little about me…I live in Pennsylvania with my sixteen-year-old daughter, which is great to have a built in beta-reader! I also have an older son who is on his own now. I have my B.S. in English Education and am pursuing my Masters in Mental Health Counseling. I’ve previously taught a high school Creative Writing class which I developed, and was a contracted writer for several websites/blogs.
THE GIRLFRIEND REQUEST is being released January 11, 2016 through Entangled Teen – Crush. It’s about a sixteen year old girl, Emma, who is in love with her best friend/boy next door and decides to take matters into her own hands to get him to really notice her. Unfortunately, her plan is not super well thought out since she decides to create a fake Facebook profile to attract his attention. As you can guess, things definitely go wrong as a result before they get better.

2.      What do you normally like to read when not writing?
Definitely YA, just about any genre, although Contemporary is probably my first love. I think I am drawn to how raw and real YA can be. Teens are experiencing so many “firsts” which are great to re-visit. First love, first kisses, even first heartbreak. I also enjoy reading YA Science Fiction.

3.      Describe your main character in six words.
THE GIRLFRIEND REQUEST is written in dual POV through both Emma and Eli. So to describe them both:
Emma – intelligent, insecure, creative, loyal, idealistic, shy
Eli – sporty, outgoing, loyal, funny, intelligent, closet-romantic

4.      What are you working on now?
I am currently working on a YA Contemporary/thriller. This WIP (work in progress) definitely draws even more strongly on my experience in mental health. THE GIRLFRIEND REQUEST touches on issues of self-esteem, and my book, THE SOCIETY, (which is coming out in May through Entangled Teen) also delves into mental health issues. That one is related to bullying and depression manifesting through a girl with very real abandonment issues who is also diagnosed as bi-polar, when she seeks revenge on the girl who has been bullying her for years.
But in my WIP, I wanted to focus even more strongly on issues related to mental health in teens. I’m passionate about mental health advocacy, and believe that both teens and adults need to understand that it is not only okay to talk about, but it is important to address. My WIP looks at the fact that struggles can come to anyone, not just the kid in class who most people perceive as “the outsider.”

5.      What was your favorite scene to write?
This is hard, because there are so many fun scenes in THE GIRLFRIEND REQUEST that really show the awkwardness of first love and all that can go wrong when you don’t communicate well. I’d say one of my favorites is when Emma’s parents decide to have a sex talk with Emma and Eli over dinner—before Eli even knows that Emma likes him. Talk about embarrassing! But thankfully, Eli being Eli handles it like a trooper!

6.      How much of the characters are based on your traits or someone you know personally?

I’d say there are definitely pieces of the high school me in Emma especially, although I’ve never created a fake online profile to get someone’s attention. I was (like most teens) somewhat insecure, and didn’t feel confident enough to come right out and tell someone I liked them. When I did crisis counseling, I worked a lot with teens, and saw that it didn’t matter which group a kid ran with—be it the “popular” crowd or not, they all sometimes felt alone and like they are on the outside without anyone really getting how they feel. If I could encourage teens, especially teen girls, about one thing, it would be to not measure their self-worth based on anyone else, including a love interest. But instead, to realize how amazing they are on their own, which actually leads to much healthier relationships.

7.      Can you share a teaser of THE GIRLFRIEND REQUEST with our readers?

Somehow, he’d figure out that the perky Barbie lookalike who just sent him a friend request didn’t even exist. I’d made up the entire Facebook profile in the hopes of starting an online friendship with Eli, which would hopefully lead to more. Like…way more. As in going out, full-on girlfriend more. From friend request to girlfriend—it all seemed so completely logical when I’d planned it out over the past couple of weeks, although I was starting to question that logic right about now.


Coffee or Tea?
Coffee. I consider it a basic food group.

Heels or flats?
Flats. I haven’t really mastered the art of comfortably walking with a few inches under my feet. I am clumsy as it is and manage to trip over air while barefoot.

Action movies or chick flicks?
Chick flicks all the way. I am a sucker for romance.

Thanks so much for having me on your blog today, and I hope that you and your readers enjoy THE GIRLFRIEND REQUEST as much as I loved writing it!



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