July 15, 2013

WINGS by Elizabeth Richards Cover Reveal & Giveaway!

Today we are super excited to share the cover to WINGS, the third and final book in author's Elizabeth Richard's BLACK CITY series!

Check out this beauty! 

Wings (Black City #3) by Elizabeth Richards

This has got to be my favorite out of all three covers! The colors are beautiful and bright! Black City cover was my favorite, but this tops it! What do you think?

Get the first two books in the series! 


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. It looks absolutely gorgeous! It looks different from the first two books!!

  2. As always, it's a brilliant cover! I love how sleek, fine, and detailed it looks!

  3. WOW! I really love this cover!
    I like how all the covers in this series are similar but different.

  4. Seeing the cover for the first time it makes me Wow! I love the cover, it's very cool. I love the first one but this is way better than the first. I hope I win. Thanks for the giveaway!

  5. The cover is stunning! I love how well it suits the others in the series!

    Thank you for the giveaway :)

  6. The cover is so pretty! And I love how the shard things are like the ones on the cover of Black City :) Definitely looking forward to reading this book!!

  7. I absolutely love this cover<3 The others are amazing too, but this one is just WOW!!! Haven't read the series yet but I really want to. Thanks for the giveaway!

  8. I love that cover!! It's so pretty! Loving the colour!

    ~ Yvonne

  9. I think wings represents the freedom, and the cover is just fav.

  10. I absolutely love this cover! Even if I didn't like the books (which I do) I would buy this book! That cover is beyond stunning, as all of the covers in this series have been! <3 it!!!


  11. I love butterflies so of course this cover is calling to me!! So beautiful.

  12. Wow! It's so fabulous and unexpected and pretty! I love it!

  13. I entered your WINGS by Elizabeth Richards
    Cover Reveal & Giveaway!
    It would be great to win the bookmarks
    and copies of
    Black City And Phoenix By Elizabeth Richards.
    In response to your requirement to
    Leave a comment on the blog you saw the cover at telling us what you think of it!
    I think the cover of
    WINGS by Elizabeth Richards looks great.
    It catches your eye and makes you want to check out what this book is about.
    Thank you for having this giveaway!!!!!!

  14. I love the cover. I'm a butterflies fan, so this cover is perfect for me. I love the Black City and Phoenix cover too, they are all unique. Thank you for the giveaway!

  15. Wow amazing. I really love the covers for this series. This one is so bright compared to the others

  16. I love the cover & i cant wait to read it!

  17. It's so beautiful!!! This is one of my favorite covers of all the time! I love it!... oh Gosh! just perfect!!!

    Thanks for revealing it! :)

  18. Nice cover, but I would have preferred a more striking color. The first two books just pop! This one looks a lot like many. Would still read it though. :)

  19. Speachless..... No Seriosuly that is some cover and to top it off, the whole series has covers like this marvel.... the flower in book 1, the burning feather in book 2 and how this beauty with an iced butterfly perfectly encasing the meaning of Wings.....

    Can't wait for it.

    Aparajita @Le' Grande Codex

  20. Oh my goodess, I cannot wait for this one. The cover have been very cool to look at and the line up will be even flashier on the shelf with this blue edition. Honestly with the finish of Phoenix I have been pining the release of Wings!

  21. It's gorgeous! Love the colors!!

  22. I absolutely love this cover! :D And I definitely think it'll look perfect next to Black City and Phoenix on my shelf! ;D

    Thanks for sharing this fabulous cover, and for the chance to enter the giveaway, too! :D

  23. This is the most beautiful cover of all times I really like it:X!

  24. I like the cover for Wings, but I don't love it. The butterfly looks sharp (the intact part). Black City is still my favorite, but the three together look good.

  25. I think this cover is really pretty! I like the combination of the city skyline and the butterfly kind of shattering like glass or ice.

  26. Pretty cover! Never heard of the books though...


  27. I love the color for this one!! Blue is one of my favorite colors!! It's so hard to pick my favorite between this one or the first one!

  28. LOVE. IT. I agree with you, Black City was my favorite, but this one takes the cake!

  29. looks fantastic! Thanks for sharing :)

  30. I'm also still in love with the first one, but this one is spectacular, you can't oversee it, that's for sure! :-)

  31. I love its cover because I'm a butterflies fan and I always enjoy covers like this. Thank you for the giveaway!

  32. WOW! I love it. I have to admit that sadly, I am in fact a cover lover. I've learned my lesson by putting off reading books because I didn't love the cover but over-all, I usually go with the erotic, stunning, out-of-the-box covers when I choose a book. More than half of the time the story will be just as stunning!

    Thanks for the opportunity!


  33. Love it, but because of the awesome titles of the first ones, I expected some more.......kickass. I don't know. Wings seems a little gentle compared to the first ones. :D

  34. The ombre colors of blue are beautiful.

  35. I just love the cover. The color combination and the cover art is so amazing.
    Great Giveaway. :)

  36. I love all the colours but the blue of this one is absolutely gorgeous! I can't quite choose between the blacks and reds of Black City and the vibrant blues of Wings, I think they're going to swap place constantly between my favourite cover of this series!

    Thank you for the giveaway! :)


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