May 23, 2012

Soul Savers Blog Tour: Guest post + giveaway with author Kristie Cook!

Hey GCReaders!

Welcome to our stop on the Soul Savers blog tour. For our stop we have a guest post to share and an ebook giveaway of the third book in the series, Devotion! Plus, you can enter to win a NOOK SIMPLE TOUCH! Check it out below!


QUESTION FOR RINA: What do you think 'devotion' to someone or something looks like?

Rina: Devotion is always doing what is right by the person or thing to which you are devoted. Sometimes the choice is obvious, but others it is not. Sometimes we must choose between, how do you say, the lesser of two evils, no? Other times, we do what might appear as betrayal to others, but we know in our hearts it is the right choice. These are the difficult decisions, but we must stand strong and do what is right.

About Devotion:
With powerful abilities gained from the Ang’dora and Tristan back by her side, Alexis thinks she’s ready for the next challenge— protecting her son from what appears to be the inevitable. But she has so much to learn about her powers, her new world and the people in it. Nothing is what it seems to be on the surface, including the Amadis.

Power-hungry politicians comprise the council and make impossible demands. A traitor lurks among them all, inciting trouble that could destroy the Amadis and, ultimately, humanity. The Daemoni wreak havoc in the human world, with the ultimatum that they’ll continue attacking innocents until Alexis and Tristan are expelled from the Amadis’ protection. The couple’s own society begins to shut them out. But that’s not all.

Someone’s keeping a secret. A big one. Faith and hope in Alexis and Tristan will be restored if she can uncover the truth in time.

But the search for answers leads only to the discovery of more betrayals by those closest to Alexis. Her devotion is put to the test—devotion to her husband, to her family, to her people and to her beliefs—leaving her to question whom she’s fighting for and why she should even bother. But if she won’t fight . . . who will?

About Kristie Cook:
Kristie Cook is a lifelong writer in various genres, from marketing communications to fantasy fiction. Besides writing, she enjoys reading, cooking, traveling and riding on the back of a motorcycle. She has lived in ten states, but currently calls Southwest Florida home with her husband, three teenage sons, a beagle and a puggle. She can be found at




O-M-G! Yes! You can enter to win a NOOK Simple Touch and more!

Here on GCReading we are giving away a copy of Devotion. All you have to do is leave a comment below telling us what you think 'devotion' to someone or something looks like? Do you agree with Rina? 

Make sure to leave a way for us to contact you. It can be e-mail, Twitter, Facebook... anything!

By leaving a comment below you are also entered into winning one of the following prizes...

  • Grand Prize – Nook Simple Touch (US only)
  • 1st Prize — Paperbacks of all 4 of my books signed (US only)
  • 2nd Prize — Soul Savers Swag bag (US only)
  • International Prize — All 4 books as ebooks

Visit for more details and to check out the previous and rest of the tour dates for more chances to win! 

This giveaway will end on the final day of the blog tour, May 31st. Good luck everyone! 


  1. Thanks for being a Tour Stop for the Soul Savers series! Kristie is an amazing author. For people who have not read the books yet, they are seriously missing out.


    1. Thank you for the words of support! :) Glad you love the series.

  2. I haven't read any of this series yet. It does look good.
    Thank you for the blog tour otherwise I don't know if I'd have come across this one.


    1. I forgot to write my answer. I think devotion looks like the face of any mom. A mother can't help but be devoted to their young and there is a loving pride that shows on her face. This same look is on the face of devoted lovers too.

    2. Thanks, Victoria! I hope you get a chance to read it.

  3. Kristie Cook Series just Rocks!!! A unique story that hooked me from page one!!! You will laugh and cry. What a ride they are.


    1. Oh and devotion is when you are completely willing to do anything for someone regardless of the price. Rina is questionable but we will see as the story goes.

    2. Thanks, dear! Glad you're enjoying the ride. :)

  4. Rina's answer is dead-on. It may be difficult when that devotion goes against someone you care about, but strength is needed to make it through the difficult times.


    1. Cool to see that you "get" her. As matriarch of an entire society and with a family of her own, she's in a tough position when it comes to loyalty and devotion.

  5. Devotion is being completly loyal to someone no matter what it takes including giving your life for theirs. Loving and supporing them in all they do and having unwavering trust!

    mmafsmith at gmail dot com

  6. This is an amazing giveaway!
    As for me, Devotion is staying true to yourself and your loved one (husband/wife) when things just don't go right. Seeing the good in the bad takes devotion and it's helped me.

    1. "When things just don't go right" - that's the true test, isn't it? Great answer. Good luck!

  7. Great answer from Rinas perspective! Thanks again kristie for the amazing series and many more to come!

  8. Damaris, thank you for being part of the tour!

    Everyone, best of luck with the giveaways! I hope you get a chance to check out the Soul Savers Series.

    Happy Reading!

  9. I think Rina is absolutely right. I could not have put it better myself. I have definitely added Devotion to my tbr list. Thanks for the fabulous giveaway!

    1. oops forgot to add my email

    2. If you're new to the series, start with Promise. I hope you'll give it a try! :)

  10. Live it. Devotion to me is complete and total commitment and love.

  11. Sorry my comment is from above, heather alexander. Lol

  12. Nice book cover :)

    When I think of "Devotion", I think of Lady Gaga. She's so devoted to her craft that she lives and breathe every single piece of it. Even when her body is ready to shut down, her mind and heart combined pushes through the limits and continue performing. That, to me, is true Devotion.

    email: cruz042 at
    twitter: @ariannecruz07

    1. Great take. I honestly think all artists show the essence of devotion to their crafts. It's driven by passion.

  13. Love Rina's answer. She is so gentile and graceful. To me devotion is giving all of yourself, your body and soul.

    mfeidelbaum (at)

  14. Wow I Haven't Read This Series Yet So I Put Them On My Wish List. This Series Sounds So Awesome.

  15. I've heard about the series but have not had a chance to read it yet. I love the paranormal/supernatural genre and would love to add your books to my home library.

    Twitter @NoraAdrienne

  16. Devotion is staying true to your loved one despite the cost to yourself.

    alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

  17. Devotion to me is always being there for that person without question. I'm excited to read this series. Thanks for the chance to win these great prizes.

    twitter: @tanemax

  18. I think that all of the answers above sums up Devotion. To the people who said they haven't read this series; The Soul Savors Series is a must read! I'm anxious for the next book to come out this summer. Start reading; you'll find your as addicted as everyone else that has read it! Thanks Kristie!

    1. Thank you! I think you give excellent advice. Haha!

  19. I agree with Rina and devotion to me is the men and women in the our military. crystaley73 at yahoo dot com

    1. BRAVO!!!! Yes. Service and sacrifice make the epitome of devotion.

  20. This series is amazing...


  21. I do not have a fancy definition for devotion, but I would say it is putting someone/thing above yourself even if it means sacrifice.

    This series sounds really good. Thanks for the post and for the giveaway opportunity.

    1. I think you need to read just because there is a Sophia in it. Hehe I like your definition.

  22. Devotion is fidelity to me.

    deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

  23. Those looming faces on the cover are a little bit creepy!

    Devotion is helping or supporting somebody else -- whether the help is anticipated by the helper or requested by the helpee. (extemter at hotmail dot com)

  24. I would love to read this series. It sounds very good. I think devotion to me is being faithful, loving and caring and doing things to make other people happy. Please enter me in contest.

  25. I do agree with Rina. I think Devotion is when you do what is in the best interest of a person despite any detriment to yourself.

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    leannessf at gmail dot com

  26. This sounds like a great series, I'd love to read it. Devotion to me is the extra mile my daughter goes to make sure my grandson with aspbergers gets all the care and education that he needs.

    seriousreader at live dot com

  27. Thanks for introducing me to a new author and series.
    I like her description of devotion. It's like with a pet, when their quality of life is gone, even though it tears you up, letting them go is better for them.
    Thanks for the chance to win.


  28. Rina's description of devotion is perfect!! Devotion isn't always (probably never) the easy road!!! Totally love your books, your an amazing writer.

  29. I agree with Rina's description of devotion. Devotion is when you are loyal to something and it can be very hard. Thanks for the chance to win!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

  30. devotion to me is when you stay with someone or something through everything, good or bad. also spend as much time with them or it when they need it.
    thanks for the giveaway : )

  31. I have heard of this series and waited forever before reading the first book in which I was amazed by. I would love to own all the books.

  32. I agree with Rina, Devotion is the ultimate giving of yourself to someone/something. Of accepting that your by their side through thick and thin, to the end.
    LadyVampire2u AT gmail DOT com

  33. Devotion to me is giving and believing in someone no matter anyone else says because you know that special someone will do the same for you.

    I love this series. With each book the story gets better and better. Can't wait for the next book to come out!

  34. What a delightful word! It's different applications sweetly intermix...feelings of strong or fervent affection and dedication and then religiously, a pious adoration and zeal! I love how Kristie interweaves this theme into Devotion :)!, USA

  35. I think devotion is sitting up all night with a sick kid...or watching an extremely stupid movie with your hubby without saying a word=)

  36. Devotion is having someone's back at all times. It's loving them even when they screw up, and admiring the person they are inside, no matter how they act sometimes. The book sounds fantastic! Thanks for the chance to win!

    bchild5 at aol dot com

  37. Devotion is the lifelong dedication of family and friends to one another. No matter what happens. Of course I also believe this institution should be respected and betraying it over and over again can't be forgiven forever no matter how much you love them. Devotion is like a river, it needs to flow. Not be blocked by unending dishonesty.

    These books are very interesting. I hope to have a chance of winning.

  38. I think devotion is being loyal to someone and being there for them. But I don't think that just because you are devoted to someone that you can just do anything. You still need to stay true to your morals and values.

    Thanks so much, I would love to read some books by Kristie!


  39. Being devoted to someone gives you the ability to do things you might otherwise not have the strength to accomplish.

    I only just discovered this series the other day and voilà I stumble across this give-away.

    Thanks for hosting and really looking forward to the series.

    Cheers! Trayce

  40. I haven't read the series yet, but would like to.


  41. Love the blog. Can't wait to read this.


    bkwalkerbooks at comcast dot net

  42. My definition would be sticking with someone or something always no matter what. It is loyalty and perseverance.

    drinkshrunkentears at gmail dot com

  43. Devotion to me is being loyal and trust worthy. Thx for sharing and I would love to read and review these books on my blog as well.

  44. I think devotion is putting that person first and I do agree that the best thing for someone isn't always what they want.
    mce1011 AT aol DOT com

  45. Devotion, to me, is giving the person you're devoted to you loyalty above all else. I also agree with Rina's answer, even though it doesn't really match mine.
    deedee [at] grifmail [dot] com

  46. It is nice to definitely dig up a website where the blogger is intelligent. Thanks for creating your web site.

  47. Awesome article, I am regular visitor of this website, keep up the good work, and I will be a regular visitor for a very long time.

  48. This looks so good! Thanks for the giveaway!

  49. I agree with Rina. Devotion to someone can mean making decisions that on the surface do not look like the right ones but truly are the correct answers...though it may not be realized at the time by all those involved. Make sense? It is doing what is right no matter how painful it may be.
    PhoenixCarvelli at gmail dot com

  50. I agree with Rina. Devotion to someone can mean making decisions that on the surface do not look like the right ones but truly are the correct answers...though it may not be realized at the time by all those involved. Make sense? It is doing what is right no matter how painful it may be.
    PhoenixCarvelli at gmail dot com


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