April 16, 2012

The Lying Season Blog Tour: Guest Post with Karina Halle.

The Writer’s Cave

In a perfect world, I would have access to my “writing cave” at all times.

Yup. My ideal cave is my parent’s boat. Since I was a little girl the boat represented a place where my imagination soared. The boat has changed over the years, but the fresh air, sweet sea and gorgeous scenery of the BC coast hasn’t. And neither has the constant inflow of inspiration.

Sadly, I don’t get to go on the boat all too often, so I have to settle for my other writing spot. AKA, the table/bar/desk of my studio apartment.

Doesn’t look too comfortable does it? Well, if I add in a glass or two of wine and put some awesome music in my ears, it does the trick.

I live with my partner though and, like I said, it’s a studio. So some days when I really need to concentrate, I snap up my laptop and walk up to one of numerous coffee shops in my neighbourhood. This is Melriches.

I like it because you can get coffee AND beer, plus the tables just invite you to stay and unfurl. Also the food is pretty great if you get snacky.

Those are my writing places thus far. If only someone could invent glare-proof computers, then I'd be out in the parks, on my roof, on the beach! Summer can be tough on writers - it would be lovely to write outdoors :)

About The Lying Season:
Ama­teur ghost-hunter Perry Palomino has bat­tled ghosts, fought off skin­walk­ers and skirted the fine line between life and death. But can she sur­vive bunk­ing down in Seat­tle for a week with her partner (and man she secretly loves) Dex and his perfect girl­friend, Jennifer? And can she do so while being tor­mented by a mali­cious spirit from Dex’s increas­ingly shady past? With love and life in the bal­ance, Perry must dis­cover the truth among the lies or risk los­ing every­thing she's ever cared about.

Author Bio:
From the day she was born in Van­cou­ver, BC, Karina Halle always stood out from the crowd. Born with club feet, she spent the first six years of her life in casts on both legs. Though her dis­abil­ity pre­vented her from becom­ing a prima bal­le­rina, it did allow her imag­i­na­tion to flow freely as she cre­ated her own lit­tle worlds where noth­ing was impos­si­ble (unfor­tu­nately, those worlds tended to be on the macabre side – some things don’t change). Fast for­ward to age 18 when she decided to forgo the usual route by back­pack­ing by her­self around Aus­tralia and New Zealand and she really learned the value of being fear­less. That same ambi­tion piloted her through numer­ous trav­els, a bachelor’s degree in jour­nal­ism, var­i­ous cer­tifi­cates in film and writ­ing, a suc­cess­ful blog, her cur­rent work as a rock music jour­nal­ist and, of course, her devo­tion to the Exper­i­ment in Ter­ror series. Karina cur­rently resides in Vancouver’s West End and can often be found with a bot­tle of wine, lis­ten­ing to her music a bit too loudly.

Links: WebsiteBlog Tour InfoGoodReads


  1. Great guest post! Its always interesting to see where and how an author writes! :)


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