March 03, 2012

This Saturday we'd like to share TWO pieces of news for you....

The British erotic novel, Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James is attracting women everywhere, while getting lots of heated attention about its sexual scenes.  

The Today Show described the novel as the first "part of a triple-X trilogy involving sex games and a bondage-loving billionaire." Their relationship explores themes of submission and domination - a fantasy which Dr. Laura Berman (of the Today Show) said is actually quite a favorite among women. But there are others who feel that the novel is disturbing and suggests that the submissive sex scenes in the book depict signs of violence against women.

What do you think? Are Submissive Sexual Scenes Good or Bad for a Novel?

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!
In honor of Dr. Seuss' birthday on March 2nd, I found this great slideshow featuring some of the best quotes from Dr. Seuss' novels. Click the picture to check it out! 

Which One is Your Favorite?


  1. I have read the first two of that trilogy and I don't have a problem with them. So to me if you don't like a certain thing. Don't go and get yourself a book about that. So no it doesn't bother me at all. If I didn't want to read it then I won't buy it.

    Maria! That's my favorite quote and book of Dr. Seuss along with...

    I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!

    I love me some Dr. Seuss.

  2. Happy birthday Dr. Seuss! Yeah for the Cat and the Hat and Green Eggs and Ham, my favorites.

    As to BSDM scenes in books, I am alright with them as long as the author has portrayed things accurately since Dominance/submissiveness is all about the trust. I'm alright with the 50 Shades stories because there is the growth arc taking place for both of them. I suppose this would be a different argument if we were talking Dark Erotica where the storyline does include non-consensual etc. I haven't read any dark erotica so I can't weigh-in on that.

    Interesting discussion, thanks!

  3. I loved loved loved the Fifty Shades series. It was very well written for erotica. FOr me usually any book that is erotica has no substance to it, it's always just full of sex. This book does have quite a bit of sex(yum), but it also has a very touching storyline. I think everytime that the sub dom relationship got close to the abusive side they showed it as such. They showed his regret and repentance and her putting her foot down and growing a spine. It's a very human book, diving into all facets of a person who has been physically and mentally, and sexually abused through his life. Not every romance can be about well rounded people, it takes all types to make this genre work, and Christian and Ana's story is an example of that.

    This series had a beautiful love story, serious steamy passionate scenes, and lots of human progression. You got to see both of the characters grow leaps and bounds by the last book. I don't think this book is a how to guide to live your life by, I think it was just simply Ana and Christian's story and it needs to be read as such. I agree with Wanda if you don't like it don't read it.

    And I love Dr. Suess. I loved reading his books when I was a kid and now love reading them to my children. I love One FIsh, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish and Put Me in the Zoo.

  4. I LOVED Fifty Shades! I don't read erotica and that book is one of the first books I read in 2012 and so far it's on the top of my list as one of my favs of 2012. It is so much more than just sex and BDSM. There is actually a story behind it all and why Christian is the way that he is.

    I can see why people are making such a big deal about it and suggest it's violence towards woman, but that is because they haven't read it. Once they read it they will see that it's really not and that it's more than just the sex.

    I loved it and cannot wait to read book three. Haven't found the time to read it yet. LOL


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