February 01, 2012

AAD Author Spotlight: Guest Post by Beth Williamson + Giveaway! (18+)

Writing a story takes words… and chemistry

To me, writing a book is not just about the words, it’s also about the chemistry. A writer knows when their hero and heroine don't match up. The story is flat and difficult to write. But when the chemistry mixture is just right, then look out because the story flows like the Mississippi River.

From the moment the hero and heroine meet, there should be fire. The attraction instantaneous. That's when a writer knows they've mixed up the right batch of romance. This is particularly important for the more sensual, or erotic, variety. And I don't mean just physical attraction either. Half of any great sex is the anticipation, the mental foreplay between the characters until you're just as "ready" as they are. ;)

In The Circle Eight: Matthew, the very first time they see each other, Matthew and Hannah have chemistry. Like an electric connection between them that snaps to life. I can feel it when I wrote the book and they felt it as characters. Shazam!

I always tell people if I don't squirm in my chair when I write my stories, then I know the reader won't squirm in theirs when they read it. Hey, that's a good rule of thumb and it's always worked for me. Something else I've always insisted on is the emotional aspect of a story. A really good one makes me laugh, cry, get angry, rejoice and take a journey. It's that connection between the reader and the story. Guess what I call that? Yep, you guessed it, chemistry!

Each time I crack open a book, either an e-book or a paperback, I am ready to take that journey, ready to dive into the world the author has created. If I feel like I'm stranded on the train platform watching the story chug away on the tracks, then I'm an unhappy reader.

I don't want that to happen to any of my readers. So I put my heart, soul and blood into every word I write. It's a piece of me that I'm putting out there for the world. I hope y'all take the time to give MATTHEW a read and let the chemistry work its magic.


Beth is giving away a print copy of The Circle Eight: Matthew, where she writes as, Bella Lang, to one lucky commenter.

Read Excerpt HERE.

A man learns to hold what is his…

It is a vast spread in the eastern wilds of the newly independent Republic of Texas, the ranch their parents fought for … and died for. To the eight Graham siblings, no matter how much hard work or hard love it takes, life is unthinkable without family…

In the wake of his parents’ murder, Matthew Graham must take the reins at the Circle Eight. He also needs to find a wife in just thirty days, or risk losing it all. Plain but practical, Hannah Foley seems the perfect bride for him . . . until after the wedding night.

Their marriage may make all the sense in the world, but neither one anticipates the jealousies that will result, the treacherous danger they’re walking into, or the wildfire of attraction that will sweep over them, changing their lives forever.


  • Must be 18+ to enter
  • Winner will be chosen at Random. 
  • Winner will be announced on Facebook, Twitter and Rafflecopter.
  • Follow Rafflecopter below. 
  • Contest Ends 2/7/12

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Losing your parents, having to run a ranch all by yourself AND find a wife in 30 days? This is guy is going to be busy! Sounds intriguing

  2. I love your books. I agree about chemistry. Words are meaningless unless it has that special magic to make it al lcome together.

  3. I'm not entering contest I was lucky enough to receive ARC and therefore don't need another copy. I just wanted to drop by say hello to Beth and let everyone know this book is fantastic a complete slam dunk start to new series and you don't want to miss it. Good luck and enjoy!

  4. This looks so good. The cover is very HAWT!!!!!

    lizzi0915 at aol dot com

  5. book looks great!

    great giveaway
    follow via gfc

  6. I read this book as an ARC so im not entering but this was an awesome read and I did a review on goodreads. I can't wait til the next one

  7. I love Beth and cannot wait to read Matthew!!!
    gfc Miranda Grissom

  8. Thank you for the chance to win!

  9. I appreciate what Beth said about what she puts into her writing. I read so much that I can tell when there's just a little something missing. I don't like that disappointment especially when it happens with a favorite author's book.

    This story sounds like a great read. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

  10. I agree characters need chemistry in a book to make them feel real and believable. I would love to read this book. It sounds very good. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com

  11. The chemistry between the hero and heroine is critical to the story. I need a lot of angst between them. I need them fighting it almost until the end. Your book sounds good.
    srbagby 50 at gmail dot com

  12. Thank you all for stopping by! And thank you to the wonderful peeps at Good Choice Reading for inviting me.
    And who doesn't love a cowboy, right? Hee!

  13. Your a new author to me and I am super glad I found you. I absoultly love and I quote you "So I put my heart, soul and blood into every word I write. It's a piece of me that I'm putting out there for the world." Anyone who does that has my vote!

    Nice to meet you!


  14. The blurb sounds great. Especially after reading the authors thoughts on the hero/heroine and chemistry. Sounds perfect to this reader :)


  15. Hello Beth! I think I will really love Matthew and Hannah's story. Even though their marriage doesn't start out as traditional it seems like their bond gets stronger the longer they are together. Congratulations on the new release!

    geishasmom73 AT yahoo DOT com

  16. Hi Beth. It's been a while since I've gotten to talk to you at an RT. I love the cover for Matthew. How long have you been writing as Emma Lane?

    luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

  17. This book sounds very good. Thanks for writing it.

  18. I would love to read Matthew! I think the chemistry will work its magic with me:) Thanks for the giveaway!!!


  19. Good morning all! Yay to the new folks who swung by to read my post and comment.

    Julianne - this is my 3rd Emma Lang book. The first was published in July 2010 (Ruthless Heart), so about a year and a half. I'm publishing as both Beth and Emma. :)

  20. Going to AAD this year and have been consuming featured Authors. You are on the list.


  21. Cool beans! I will see you there, Ashley!

  22. Thanks for the giveaway! I am still swooning over the excerpt. I want to go buy it now!!

  23. Thanks again to everyone for swinging by to comment - what a great turnout! And so many cowboy lovers. Woot!

  24. This books sounds great. I love a good book and this sounds like one. Thanks!

    Rachel V


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