November 02, 2011

COVER LOVE: Dreamless by Josephine Angelini

Lot's of Cover Love to DREAMLESS! It's the second part to Jospehine Angelini's STARCROSSED. I loved Starcrossed and cannot wait for Dreamless! There isn't a synopsis yet for it on GoodReads, or anywhere I could find, but that's probably because Dreamless isn't released until May 31, 2012 by HarperTeen.

This cover is beautiful. Love the sunset and the view of the ocean in the background. Helen (assuming it's her) looks a little sad though, but this cover goes with the first and with the way things went in book one, I am sure she is in for another crazy time. I cannot wait to read Dreamless!

Your thoughts?

Other covers:



  1. This is so gorgeous! I saw Josie commenting on it somewhere and she was saying the final copy would have the the background done in foil so it would be even more dimensional.

    I left Starcrossed really wondering if I'd continue but when I re-read it, I decided I had to. So now I'm biting my nails until May. lol


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