September 29, 2011


Happy Thursday!!!

Let me tell you about this ridiculous habit I have:  I read books out of order. Now, I never actually do this on purpose, but there are lots of times where it just so happens that I'm reading a book that is number 2, 3 or even 4 in a series (yes, this has happened to me, lol).

But you know what? Sometimes I don't mind it at all. I've realized that the 2nd book is just when all the good stuff gets going and even better, most authors usually recap the first book in about 2 paragraphs!

So what do you I nuts? Today's Question of the Day: What would you do if you realized that the book in your hands is the 2nd or 3rd in a series - and you haven't read the first? 



  1. I usually try to read it... sometimes I get too confused and have to go back and read the first, but most books you don't need to read the first one- you can just read the summary on Goodreads :)

  2. well its happen a lot with the books I get, Publishers send them out of order but usually they can be read without reading the ones before.

  3. I actually started Lara Adrian's Midnight Breed Series that way. I started with book five in the series lol.

  4. I started Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunter series that way. I started on book 9 on accident after checking it out from the library. Didn't realize it was the 9th book until I went to the library to check out more stuff by Sherrilyn.

    It did introduce me to an awesome series though. I usually try to read in order.

  5. Oh Noooooo!! Not me. I can not read a series out of order. If I grabbed the 2nd book, then I'll grab the 1st. But if I grab the 3rd or 4th then I don't bother unless I have to absolutely read it, like the Hush Hush series. I have yet to read book one.

  6. I've done this before... never on purpose, unfortunately I don't usually find out until the end of the book. I picked up Karen Marie Monings Fever Series this way. I needed something to read at work and found it in our very small library(it consists of 2 bookshelves and neither are full) so obviously I was limited in options and also didn't have time to really look, just picked it up said this seems cool and read it. It was the 3rd book in the series! I then couldn't find the first so I picked up the second, finally bought all of them and read them in order. So I read the 3rd then 2nd then finally started over at one. I prefer not to do this but it was still a great read and I didn't mind re-reading the other 2.
    Sad to say this probably wasn't the first or last time this will happen to me, just usually gives me time to kill while I'm waiting for the next book in the series to come out, cause it almost always works out that I have to wait awhile... can't the books just write themselves without all the hassle so I don't have to wait for the next release!

  7. I just can't read books out of order it just makes me twitchy/feel wrong. It drives me crazy when I read a book and don't realize that it's part of a series.

    Also I nominated you for the "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger Blog Award" :)

    Check out Gini Koch's Win Stuff page ( and get all the info. So join in the fun and possibly win some cool prizes in the process.

  8. I've done that so many times. I just read it then started at book one. I get frustrated when the books aren't numbered. I wish they would put the number on the spine of the book or right after the dedications/acknowledgements or something. LOL!! :)

  9. Hahahaha.... I've done that once =___= During my Meg Cabot fanatic days, I just grabbed that one book of hers off the shelf, bought it, read it, loved it... only to find out it was already the 6th and final book of her Mediator series. I went and bought the first five books of The Mediator series (in order that time around) and I was honestly a bit disappointed for my mistake 'cause it kinda spoiled the ending of the series already. I don't like spoilers that much especially if it's from a book I really like and intend to finish anyway.

    Ooh. There was also this one time that I won a book but it turned out to be the second book of a series I haven't read yet so - years later - it still remains unread.


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