August 26, 2011

Review: Two-Way Street by Lauren Barnholdt

288 Pages
Published June 26, 2007 by Simon Pulse
There are two sides to every breakup.

This is Jordan and Courtney, totally in love. Sure, they were an unlikely high school couple. But they clicked; it worked. They're even going to the same college, and driving cross-country together for orientation.

Then Jordan dumps Courtney -- for a girl he met on the Internet.

It's too late to change plans, so the road trip is on. Courtney's heartbroken, but figures she can tough it out for a few days. La la la -- this is Courtney pretending not to care.

But in a strange twist, Jordan cares. A lot.

Turns out, he's got a secret or two that he's not telling Courtney. And it has everything to do with why they broke up, why they can't get back together, and how, in spite of it all, this couple is destined for each other.

I loved Two-Way Street. There is just something about alternating points of view that I just absolutely fall in love with if it feels like the author pulled it off. I definitely think Barnholdt captured the male mind, while giving Jordan just enough charm to redeem him. For the most part.

I also loved the way it was written. The flashbacks were great, and I was glad we got to see how their relationship was before the break-up, and how everything came to be. The two of them obviously belonged together, so why were they together? This question kept me turning pages until I finished it, once again, in one sitting. Barnholdt definitely has a way with keeping my attention to the point that I don’t do anything else until I’ve finished the book. And then I sit wishing I had more by her.

There was one thing that kept me from giving this book five stars, and it was the ending. All of her endings, actually (that I've read), leave something to be desired (for me). I feel like the story is so perfect, so much build up and tension, only for it to just—END. I was all “aww” until the ending, where I would have liked to see a more breathtaking conclusion. I still think this is a great story though, and definitely worth a read or two.

4/5 Stars


  1. I completely agree! I'll read anything by Lauren Barnholdt; Two-Way Street was the first book that I ever read by Barholdt. I've also read One Night That Changes Everything and Aces Up! Love them all!

    Her writing is super entertaining but I totally get what you mean about the ending of Two-Way Street! It's so happy and fun and quirky and entertaining that you just can't help but want "that" ending but I still heart her books so hard!

  2. I haven't read any of Lauren Barnholdt books but maybe this will be the first one I'll check out. Sounds like a great contemporary read. That there is a road trip involved has me even more intrigued.
    Thanks for the review!

  3. Great review. I've been curious about this. My friends on Goodreads seems to be all over the place with it. I think I'd feel the same about the ending, though. I like well rounded endings that don't leave you wishing there was just one more chapter.

  4. I haven't read Aces Up but I do want to. Her books are so addicting!

  5. I've seen this book at the library, but I haven't had the chance to read it yet! I want to read more contemporaries, so I should read this one. I do like the idea of alternating point of views between the girl and guy so the readers can see into their heads. Man, that must be difficult for Courtney to be on this road trip with her ex!

  6. ok now I really really really want this book!! argh and I'm not sure about the ending from how you described it good? too good to be true? to bad? not sad enough?
    the suspense is killing me!

  7. I have some of Lauren's books on my Kindle, but I haven't read them yet. They certainly sound great - I love some good old contemporary romances! I'm not sure I like the sounds of the ending though - usually I'm very particular about what I want to know, I guess! Still, I'll definitely be giving them a read and soon to see what I think! Great review, thanks for sharing! :-)

  8. I love alternating points of view!! I should check this one out. Thanks so much for the awesome review!

  9. This is the first book that I read by Lauren Barnholdt and I really liked it and it made we want to read other books by her, so I have. Two Way Street was great because it was cute and quick. I totally agree with you on the alternating points of view, I love that!

  10. Hmmm, this sounds great. I really want to find out what the deal is with this couple. I'm a little wary about what you said about the ending though.

  11. @Alba You can definitely expect a happy ending. :) Her endings are very realistic, and I guess I've just read so many romances that I unintentionally expect explosively happy endings. LOL. Hers are more believable, but a little less...breathtaking.

  12. Have not read this but I did read Sometimes It Happens and I like it. I got this from the library a while back but never got into it enough to read it because I had so many other books out that by the time I finished all of them Two Way Street was due back to the library and I never read it. I am going to see if I can find it from my local library since I moved and try to read it again though.


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