April 15, 2011

Dee's day w/ Author of Possession Elana Johnson (@elanaj @simonteen)

Hi everyone, 

Now that I finally have a second I wanted to take this down time to share with you about my awesome day yesterday.
Some fellow book bloggers and I got the chance to meet and have lunch with the author of Possession, Elana Johnson in NYC. We also got to meet some wonderful ladies from Simon and Schuster's marketing department. I was super excited about this meeting because just a couple of weeks before I got the chance to read Possession and really enjoyed it.

I got there a little late thanks to NYC traffic, but I still had a blast. We talked with Elana about her trip so far in NYC, her book Possession and other great books as well. I found out that Elana actually had a draft for Possession done in seventeen days. Yes, SEVENTEEN days. That is just amazing to me. I sit here and try to write a chapter and it takes me days lol. She also told us that she would like to write two more books in the series, and how she feels her lead character in her book, Vi, is a lot like her.
Elana was really nice and took the time to get to know us all. She signed my copy of Possession for a friend and took a couple of photos with us. 

For more information on Elana and her book Possession, Check out her website: http://www.elanajohnson.com/

You can find my review on Possession HERE

Here are some photos from yesterday...

Lots of thanks to Elana Johnson for meeting with us and to the ladies at Simon and Schuster for inviting me and giving me the chance to be there. I had a really great time and am looking forward to the release of Possession to get my finished copy. :-)


  1. I've heard absolutely amazing things about "Posessed", and I absolutely love the cover. There's something mysterious, and very appealing (even slightly chilling, perhaps) about it! Hope you're enjoying BEA :) I can't wait to read "Posessed" :)


    Email: Enamoredsoul(at)gmail(dot)com
    Twitter: @inluvwithbookz

  2. 17 days is amazing. I manage to get through the National Novel Writing Month requirement of 50,000 words in 30 days but it's tough going.

  3. Okay, so I was totally wrong, huh? BEA is not until May...so this was just another impromptu event? planned? I'm sorry I thought it was BEA - goes to show how much I know, huh? #clueless! lol :P

    Sorry ladies...


    Email: Enamoredsoul(at)gmail(dot)com
    Twitter: @inluvwithbookz


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