February 07, 2011

It's Monday! What are you reading?

It's Monday! What are you reading is hosted by One Persons Journey through a world of Books. Each week we spotlight the books we are reading, planning on reading or just finished reading.

Vampire Empire by Clay and Susan Griffith - Damaris 
Delirium by Lauren Oliver - Lisa
The Grim Reaper's Dance by Judy Clemens - Maria 
The Unwritten Rule by Elizabeth Scott - Wanda

Currently Reading: 
Candor by Pam Bachorz - Damaris
Overprotected by Jennifer Laurens - Lisa

The Emporer's Tomb by Steve Berry
- Maria 
Already Home by Susan Mallery - Wanda

Next in Line:
Bonded by Blood by Laurie London - Damaris
Timeless by Alexandra Monir- Lisa
The Panther's Lair by Esmerelda Bishop - Maria
Other Words for Love by Lorraine Zago Rosenthal  - Wanda

For more information on any of the books listed above, just click on the title.

It's Monday! What are you reading? Leave a comment with your post! :0)


  1. I love that all 4 of you read completely different books :) I can't wait to see what you guys think of Bonded by Blood1

  2. I just finished Across the Universe by Beth Revis, and I'm reading Percy Jackson #1.

  3. I think I'm the only one in the group that's a little hesitant about reading "Paranormal" books, so you'll rarely see me reading a "paranormal" book. But I'll take recommendations.


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