Just wanted to let you know about a weekly meme over at End of Story, Next Book Blog where you can vote for your favorite book review of the week. You can vote for yourself or for someone else review. Here is the info TAKEN DIRECTLY FROM End of Story, Next Book Blog on how to participate.
Everyone can fill out this FORM.
You can nominate either your book review or somebody else's review.
- All nominations must be turned in by midnight Friday night.
- If you are nominating someone else's blog please inform them and suggest if they are not already following me that they follow me so that way they will know if their review was chosen.
- Please do not nominate a book review that has already won. Be sure to check out the BRotW page for a list of all previous winners*THIS DOES NOT MEAN THE PERSON SIMPLY THE REVIEW DONE BY THE PERSON. IT CAN BE THE SAME REVIEW ANOTHER PERSON DID JUST NOT THE SAME REVIEW FROM THE SAME PERSON.
- You must have a button(image) with for the blog with the review so I can post it with the review.
- You must fill out this FORM.
- The winner will be chosen by random.org
- It does not have to be a new book review. It can be one you read/wrote a while ago that you think deserves recognition.
So head on over and vote for your review of the week. Hopefully we get nominated *WINK*
Oh, I love this idea!! Now, to choose!