July 14, 2010

In my mail box today and bought

So, I have not checked my mail box in like two days (yes, I know that's a long time) and today on my way out I decided to check it and found a huge yellow envelope meant for me and when I read the return address it said Simon & Schuster. So I started feeling the envelope & knew right away it was a book. I killed myself wondering if I entered a contest by them or anything I know I didn't. Well when I opened it, I found this inside... 

Crescendo by Becca FitzPatrick! OMG I screamed so loud that I scared my 5 month old. I was so excited and still am. I can not wait to begin reading this book. I love Hush, Hush and I am sure I will love Crescendo! This is my first paperback ARC and I feel so special hehe. 

Another book on my TBR pile is Sleepless by Cyn Balog. She had tweeted that she signed a couple of copies of her book at Barnes and Noble in our area. So we were really excited and headed down there and bought two copies hehe. 

And now I wanted to just post a quick sneak peek at some of the books we will be giving away on July 23rd - 24th with Got Books Event. This is just some of the books and they will be broken up into five packages. (Maybe more hehe)

TTFN hehe



  1. I just received Crescendo too! I jumped around the house for about 10 mins. after opening the package. It was definitely a great surprise :)

  2. Really you got Crescendo? LOL Sorry since I teased you on twitter had to tease you here too :) Just remember you get to do it to me in 13 days for Water Bound!

  3. Jealous!

    Also, I will definitely be entering your Got Reads? giveaway--so excited!

  4. Nice selection of Got Books? prizes! I'm looking forward to the big event.

  5. LOL @Felicia, I am such a geek when it comes to books! I never win anything or get anything free & ever since we started blogging we've discovered a new world. LOL

    @Diana, so am I! I am going to enter everyone if I can lol.

    @Kaitlyn, omg I was always so jealous of everyone else and now i got my first one and I am so geeking over it haha.

    @Throuthehaze, OMG how do they pick who gets a copy? I feel so special that I was picked! :-)

  6. Ooo...I got Crescendo in the mail today too! I'll be keeping an eye out for your review! :)

  7. @Natalie, we should read it together. @Throuthehaze too!


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