March 03, 2011


Hey Everyone!

So let me tell you about my favorite book in the world. The name of it is Master of the Game and it's by Sydney Sheldon. Now this book doesn't have a great cover, it doesn't have the greatest writing, and it was written all the way in 1988! But let me tell you - I can read this book over and over and over again. It is just that good. And every time I read it, I swear I noticed something that I didn't before.

What I just wrote is exactly what baffles book publishers everywhere - what makes something a great book? Why does one book (Harry Potter for example) take the world by storm, but others kind of blip out of existence? I personally have no freakin' clue, lol! But I'd love to know what you all think,

Let me know!!!

1 comment:

  1. I think perhaps it's got more to do with the reader than the book itself. Master of the Game obviously touched a nerve with you. Sydney Sheldon is a pretty well known author though... was this book not a hit??
    I've read a couple of his but I'm embarrassed to say I can't remember what they were called. They were FAB though!


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