February 22, 2011

Teaser Tuesday!

Teaser Tuesday" is a weekly meme hosted

by: Mizb of Should Be Reading.

Anyone can do it, here's how:

1. Grab your current read

2. Open to a random page

3. Share two (2) "teaser" sentences/paragraphs from somewhere on that page.

4. Share the title and the author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR lists if they like your teasers.

Be careful not to include SPOILERS! (Make sure that what you share doesn't give too much away, you don't want to ruin the book for others.)

Our Teaser's this week: 

Afterlife by Claudia Gray
Pg. 29

"We don't need powers," I said quickly. "We need the police."


"Vic call 911! Tell them there's a--like, a home invasion or an attempted robbery, something!" Black Cross tried to steer clear of the law, because they wanted to stay off their radar. "When they hear the sirens, they'll go."


Teenie By Christopher Grant
Pg. 21

"As we get up to leave the train; the woman flashes one last nasty glance in our direction; exactly what Cherise was waiting for. On our way out the door, Cherise leans over the woman, points at her book, and says, "He dies in the end."

Claiming the Legend by Janet Eaves
Pg. 27

Her flirty manner with Jim Hood this afternoon after their disastrous first meeting had taken every ounce of nerve she’d possessed. That nerve was changing to nerves now that it was time to actually see him again.
No. She wouldn’t allow fear to stop her. She hadn’t in the past when her own life was in danger, so she wouldn’t now with nothing more at stake than an overblown case of lust. After all, it was time she lived a little. Laughed a little. Played a little.

Gideon's Sword by Preston & Child
Pg. 12

"Her breathing began to slow, and Gideon felt her grasp relax. Seeing she was going to sleep, he eased her hand from his and placed it on the bedcovers. But when he bent down to kiss her, the hand shot up again, grasping his collar with claw-like fingers. Her eyes pinned his and she said, with manic intensity: "Even the score."

Share your teasers with us! Leave a comment below with your TT :-)


  1. Great Teasers. I want to try and read the Evernight series soon.

  2. Congrats Maria, Wanda, Lisa and Damaris I have been honoured with the Seven Facts Award, and would dearly love to pass it along to you (courtesy of Mysteriousbooks).

    If you're not into accepting awards, no worries . . . please take this as an open note of admiration for the work you do. :-)


Thank you for stopping by! We love reading your comments and we try to reply back to each comment. So make sure to check back with us.