September 26, 2010

Crescendo Book Trailer!!!!!!!!!!

Crescendo By Becca FitzPatrick book trailer has been released!

I really like this trailer and the song playing in the background is PERFECT! I want to download it now :0) 

Here is the trailer for those who have not seen it yet!
You can also check out their website Fallen Archangel for a chance to win an ARC of Crecendo!

*Sigh* I just love this series!! What do you think of the book trailer for Crescendo? 


  1. Wow! I love it! The song makes the whole trailer come to life =D

  2. I can't wait to read it, the trailer for the book definitely peaked my interest!!!

  3. I just found your blog, and I just love it!!! I haven't read Becca Fitzpatrick, but her books are on my wishlist for sure!! Looking forward to reading your reviews in the future!!

    Feel free to check out my blog at Addicted To Romance


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